Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Real Thing

Mateo was watching us get on the bus. Good signs all around.

The fearless leader and the director. (Of the school, not the show).

The artiste, Mariana, and another one of Pablo's helpers put up the backdrop. They also did all the girls' hair and make-up (and the boys', too).

The bar and its cups being assembled.

Some ingenious students got the TV working by taping an antenna to it. Sadly, Peñarol ended up losing.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rehearsal Night - Journey out

We met in the McDonald's at Tres Cruces Bus Station and the rappers from Maldonado looked over their rhymes.

Then we hopped on a bus at 8 Octubre bound for Bella Italia. This is where I realized the video function wasn't working on my phone and started taking tons of pictures instead.

The rappers, chillin.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rehearsal Night - The spot

The school itself seemed to say, We don't need no ed-u-cation...

It brooded in the dark and fog of Bella Italia, way out from the old city, and little fires burned in the back lot. We didn't start the fire.

But inside, the speakers and skateboard promised, There will be noise, There will be glad...

Friday, August 6, 2010

The maestro, hardly looking at his notes, gathered the actors, invited the audience to participate. He passed out some extra props, gave the first of many pep talks, and the show began.

Solo or in pairs, students representing the various urban tribes--floggers and skaters, emos and punks, planchas and hippies--crossed bravely in front of the close-minded boliche commentators, strutting their particular style and exuding buena onda.